Join us for the hybrid European Week of Regions and Cities side event on Zoom and in beautiful Kuopio, Finland! The event is free of charge, and all meals and transportation between event locations are included for onsite participants.
Registration: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/s/ewrc-superecosystem-20221028 (Zoom link sent after registration.)
Registration deadline: Wednesday October 26th at 18:00.
Full agenda:
9:00 Registration opens, coffee and breakfast, offered free of charge to participants
9:45 Welcoming words and agenda of the event – Ms. Bailey Lähdesmäki, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
10:00 Presentation from City of Kuopio – Mr. Arto Holopainen, City of Kuopio & Business Kuopio
10:15 Presentation from East & North Finland EU Office – Mr. Eerikki Vainio, East & North Finland EU Office
10:30 Presentation from Pohjois-Savo Regional Council – Mr. Heikki Sirviö, Regional Council of Pohjois-Savo
10:45 Introduction to cluster and ecosystem work and SuperEcosystem – Dr. Jarkko Pellikka, Savonia University of Applied Sciences & Nokia
11:00 Presentation from Business Center – Ms. Kaija Sääski, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
11:10 Presentation from Kuopio Water Cluster – Mr. Eero Antikainen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
11:20 Presentation from Energy Technology Cluster – Mr. Jarno Ruusunen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
11:30 Presentation from Bio and Circular Cluster North Savo – Dr. Harri Auvinen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
11:40 Coffee break, offered free of charge to participants, networking on Zoom Breakout rooms
12:00 Presentation from Machine and Materia Technology Cluster – Mr. Herkko Pulkkinen, University of Eastern Finland
12:10 Presentation from Kuopio Health – Mr. Kimmo Solehmainen, Kuopio Health Co-op
12:20 Presentation from DigiCenterNS – Mr. Aki Happonen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
12:30 Presentation from Agri-Food Cluster North Savo – Dr. Ardita Hoxha-Jahja, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
12:40 Roundtable discussion A: “Green transition in environmentally and economically impactful sectors”
13:00 Networking lunch, offered free of charge to participants, networking on Zoom Breakout rooms
14:00 Roundtable discussion B: “Digital transition in health”
14:30 Workshop 1: Green transition – practical examples and best practices of green transition; how to implement change for successful execution (Change leadership, Strategy and portfolio, Execution plan, Action and implementation)
15:30 Coffee break, offered free of charge to participants, networking on Zoom Breakout rooms
15:50-16:50 Workshop 2: Digital transition – practical examples and best practices of digital transition; how to implement change for successful execution; digital transition roadmap for clusters and ecosystems
16:50 Closing presentation – Ms. Bailey Lähdesmäki, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
17:00 End of daytime event
19:00 Lakeland District Dinner at Puijonsarvi, offered free of charge to participants