Super Ecosystem 2021 Conference week starts in...

Conference Days

Nov. 8th    |    Nov. 9th    |    Nov. 10th    |    Nov. 11th    |    Nov. 12th

Conference Schedule (All times are in -EET)

Take a closer look at the conference schedule by clicking the slot name.

8th of November


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.**

09:00 | Grand opening of SuperEcosystem Event Week – Welcoming Words

09:10 | Keynote Speaker: Mr. Mikko Vuoristo (Vice Principle, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

09:30 | Keynote Speaker: Ms. Kaija Savolainen (CEO, Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce)

09:50 | The SuperEcosystem in a nutshell

10:00 | How to Invest and Expand in the North Savo Region: Mr. Stepan Tirkkonen (Project Manager, Invest and Expand Project, City of Kuopio) and Mr. Timo Ovaskainen (CEO, Asuntamo Oy)

10:20 | Keynote Speaker: Dr. Katri Valkokari (Research Manager, VTT)

10:40 | What We Do Behind the Scenes – Building Ecosystems and Clusters: Mr. Johan Halvarsson (Project Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

11:00 – 12:00 | How to join ecosystems with global leaders:

How to join KONE’s ecosystem to improve the Flow of urban life: Ms. Jaana Hyvärinen (Research Manager, KONE Corp.) and Mr. Mikko Mattila (Senior Co-Innovation Manager, KONE Corp.)
How to join Nokia’s ecosystem on Industrial 5G: Mr. Jarkko Pellikka (Program Director, Unlocking Industrial 5G, Nokia Corp.)

Let’s have lunch together! SPATIALCHAT SOCIAL LUNCH LINK We’ll have a virtual lunch together, where you have an opportunity to wander around in the virtual conference area and chip into discussions, see products and solutions, and network with inspiring people. Bon apetit!


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.**

13:00 | Welcome to a tour of the North Savo Energy Cluster

13:08 | Company presentation: Andritz

13:19 | Company presentation: SMA Mineral

13:25 | Company presentation: Riikinvoima

13:28 | Company presentation: Sumitomo

13:39 | Company presentation: Savon voima, Mr. Juha Räsänen (Business Director, Savon Voima)

13:46 | Break

14:20 | Research infrastructures of UEF: Fine particle lab

14:27 | Research infrastructures of Savonia: Savonia Energy Research Center

14:30 | Cluster Services: Navitas company presentation

14:33 | Break

14:45 | International cooperation (ESEIA network): Ms. Brigitte Hasewend (Director of ESEIA)

14:53 | Presentation of North Savo Energy Cluster: Ms. Katja Niiranen (Business Adviser, Navitas), Ms. Anna Lähde (Research Fellow, Academy of Finland and Associate Professor, University of Eastern Finland), Mr. Markku Huhtinen (Head of Education of Energy Technology, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

15:00 | Key Note Speach & Panel discussion North Savo Energy Cluster & Climate Change

Keynote Speaker: Ms. Katja Kurki-Suonio (Executive Director  FinDHC ry)

Panelists: Mr. Markku Huhtinen (Head of Education of Energy Technology, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Mr. Edgardo Coda (Director of R&D and Patents, Sumitomo SHI FW), Mr. Jorma Jokiniemi (Professor, University of Eastern Finland), Mr. Lauri Pehu-Lehtonen (Director, Andritz)
Panel Discussion moderated by Ms. Helka Shecter (Journalist)

15:45 | Closing of the session & break

16:00 | Social Follow-up in Spatial Chat, click here to join.

Nov. 8th    |    Nov. 9th    |    Nov. 10th    |    Nov. 11th    |    Nov. 12th    |     Go to Top

9th of November


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.** 

9:00 | Opening of the session: Mr. Johan Halvarsson (Project Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:02 | KesTech Cluster: Mr. Sulevi Komulainen (Project Manager, Ylä-Savo Vocational College), Mr. Reijo Hynynen (R&D Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Science)

9:06 | Break

9:10 | Introduction to KesTech Cluster: Mr. Sulevi Komulainen (Project Manager, Ylä-Savo Vocational College)

9:26 | Genelec Sustainability

9:29 | Welcome words and practical instructions to the event: Mr. Anssi Suhonen (Lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:34 | Aikawa Fiber Technologies Presentation: Mr. Risto Weckroth (Vice President, Aikawa Fiber Technologies Oy)

9:54 | Genelec Presentation: Mr. Siamäk Naghian (CEO, Genelec Oy)

10:14 | Different Technologies of the Material Cluster

10:27 | Break

10:30 | Keynote Speaker: Dr. Juho Nummela (CEO, Ponsse Oyj)

11:00 | Introduction to the Material Cluster: Prof. Vesa-Pekka Lehto (Laboratory Director, University of Eastern Finland)

11:15 | UpTech project: The study paths of continuous learning and flexibility of the M.Sc. degree studies: Dr. Harri Niska (Project Leader, University of Eastern Finland)

11:30 | Final summary and closing of the session

11:40 | Company videos in Finnish before lunch

Let’s have lunch together! SPATIALCHAT SOCIAL LUNCH LINK We’ll have a virtual lunch together, where you have an opportunity to wander around in the virtual conference area and chip into discussions, see products and solutions, and network with inspiring people. Bon apetit!


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.** 

13:00 | Opening and welcome to the session: Mr. Petri Kainulainen  (Head of Education of Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

13:05 | Presentation of the North Savo Agri-Food Cluster: Ms. Ardita Hoxha-Jahja (Agri-Food Cluster Manager)

13:25 | Food Research and Innovation Strategy for Finland 2021-2035: Nesli Sözer (VTT)

13:42 | Company cluster members presentations: Ms. Kati Partanen (Senior Lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

13:57 | Valio’s journey towards carbon neutral milk chain: Virpi Kling (Development Manager, Valio)

14:10 | Break

14:30 | Global Food Security Development Work at the University of Eastern Finland: Roseanna Avento (University of Eastern Finland)

14:45 | Arctic Food Cluster: Tanja Häyrynen (Tervola yhteistoiminta-alue)

15:06 | From farm to fork: Finnish food safety and quality: Ms. Ardita Hoxha-Jahja (Agri-Food Cluster Manager)

15:21 | Conclusion and closing of the session: Mr.Petri Kainulainen (Head of Education of Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

Nov. 8th    |    Nov. 9th    |    Nov. 10th    |    Nov. 11th    |    Nov. 12th    |     Go to Top

10th of November


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.** 

9:00 | Opening of the session: Mr. Johan Halvarsson (Project Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:02 | New Business Services as Future Talents’ Learning Environment / Savonia University of Applied Sciences: Jaakko Laukkanen (RDI – Specialist, Savonia UAS), Aki Happonen (RDI – Specialist, Savonia UAS), Kaija Sääski (Director of Business Services, Savonia UAS), Anna Voipio (Project Designer, Savonia UAS)

9:08 | Innovation Workshop – An Efficient Tool to Accelerate Commercialization. Case Hydroline Ltd.:  Jarkko Pellikka (Savonia University of Applied Sciences & Nokia Corp.)

9:23 | The Path from a Business Idea to a Startup

Case: Loimu, Mari Väänänen (Founder, Loimu)

Case: Sikkum, Kari Voutila (MOB, Sikkum)

Case: Invested, Jani Järvinen (CFO, Invested)

9:40 | Break

9:43 | Carbon Neutral City 2030 – A Global Challenge for Business, the Public Sector and Inhabitants / City of Kuopio: Anu Häiväläinen (Business Promotion Officer, City of Kuopio)

11:15 | Campfire – a discussion about the international possibilities in North Savo:  Matti Laitinen (RDI – Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Jarkko Surakka (Lecturer, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Ms. Linda Bosire

Let’s have lunch together!


We’ll have a virtual lunch together, where you have an opportunity to wander around in the virtual conference area and chip into discussions, see products and solutions, and network with inspiring people.

Move yourself to Agri-Food Cluster North Savo’s area today to talk with their guest from Maatila2030, Senior Lecturer and Project Manager, Ms. Kati Partanen.

Bon apetit!


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.** 

13:30 | Introduction to Kuopio Health: Mr. Aki Gröhn (CEO, Kuopio Health)

13:38 | Company Pitches:

ESiOR: Ms. Sandra Hänninen (ESiOR)


Finnadvance: Ms. Emilia Hietala (Application Scientist, Finnadvance)

Istekki: Juha Palve (Manager, Istekki)

13:43 | Break

13:45 | Neurocenter: Neuro Challenge, Ms. Kaisa Railanmaa (Development Manager, Kuopio Health), Mr. Jukka Kähkönen (Creative CEO, Kirnu Kreativ)

14:05 | Break

14:15 | KYS Microsurgery center

14:45 | Kuopio Health presentation: Mr. Aki Gröhn (CEO, Kuopio Health)

14:51 | Company Pitches:

ESiOR: Ms. Sandra Hänninen (ESiOR)


Finnadvance: Ms. Emilia Hietala (Application Scientist, Finnadvance)

Istekki: Juha Palve (Manager, Istekki)

Nov. 8th    |    Nov. 9th    |    Nov. 10th    |    Nov. 11th    |    Nov. 12th    |     Go to Top

11th of November


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.**

9:00 | Opening of the session: Mr. Johan Halvarsson (Project Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:02 | Introduction to DigiCenter North Savo: Aki Happonen (RDI Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:05 | Key Note Speech: New AI Applications for industry, Prof. Pekka Toivanen (University of Eastern Finland)

9:30 | Key Note Speech: Mobile Network Evolution- Focus on 5G: Matti Keskinen (Internal Business Consultant, Nokia)

10:15 | Break

10:20 | Key Note Speech: HUMEA Lab, Prof. Pasi Karjalainen

10:45 | Key Note Speech: Vetrea – co-operation with DigiCenterNS, Jori Reijula (Development Director, Vetrea)

11:05 | Key Note Speech: Profirator – co-operation with DigiCenterNS, Ilari Mikkonen (Product Owner, Profirator)

11:15 | Key Note Speech: Wireless ICT EU S3 – co-operation with DigiCenterNS and Pohjois-Savo region, Mika Rantakokko (Liaison Manager 6GFlagship, University of Oulu)

11:35 | Break

11:40 | Introduction videos to the panel discussion:

Pharmaceutical package text recognition

Intelligent log cutting

Material defect detection

3D modelling for quality control

11:46 | Panel discussion based on the introvideos, hosted by Mr. Markus Moilanen (Project Co-ordinator, University of Eastern Finland)

Panelists: Prof Pekka Toivanen (University of Eastern Finland), Mr. Jarmo Koponen (Project Co-ordinator, University of Eastern Finland)

Let’s have lunch together! SPATIALCHAT SOCIAL LUNCH LINK We’ll have a virtual lunch together, where you have an opportunity to wander around in the virtual conference area and chip into discussions, see products and solutions, and network with inspiring people. Bon apetit!


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.**

13:00 | Introduction to Kuopio Water Cluster: Eero Antikainen (Kuopio Water Cluster coordinator, Head of Research, Environmental Engineering, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Petteri Laaksonen (RDI Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

13:05 | Kuopio Water Cluster: vision, mission, member: Petteri Laaksonen (RDI Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

13:10 | Founding members of Kuopio Water Cluster:

Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Savonia UAS): Petteri Laaksonen (RDI Specialist, Savonia UAS)

Geological Survey of Finland (GTK): Anniina Kittilä (Researcher Geological Survey of Finland, GTK)

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL): Ilkka Miettinen (Chief researcher Waterborne outbreaks, THL)

University of Eastern Finland (UEF): Jouko Vepsäläinen (Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, UEF)

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke): Pauliina Taimisto (Research Scientist, Luke)

14:15 | Break

14:30 | Company presentations

SansOx Oy: Jukka Hakola (Chief Operating Officer, SansOx Oy)

Xfold Imaging Oy: Timo Jäntti (CEO, Xfold Imaging Oy)

Uponor Infra Oy: Kim Bärlund (Offering Manager, Water Monitoring Services, Uponor Infra Oy)

Agnico Eagle Finland Oy: Anne Rajanen (Environmental Engineer, Agnico Eagle Finland Oy)

15:15 | International cluster partners, projects and activity: SWIM project: Petri Juntunen (Senior Specialist/Water Safety, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

15:30 | International cluster partners, projects and activity: Finnish Water Forum (FWF): Topi Helle (Managing Director, Finnish Water Forum)

15:45 | Break and end of session

Nov. 8th    |    Nov. 9th    |    Nov. 10th    |    Nov. 11th    |    Nov. 12th    |     Go to Top

12th of November


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.** 

9:00 | Opening of the session: Mr. Johan Halvarsson (Project Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:05 | Presentation of North Savo Bio and Circular Economy Cluster: Mr. Harri Auvinen (R&D Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Reijo Lappalainen (University of Eastern Finland), Mr. Mikko Järvinen (Group Manager, Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke)

9:20 | Introduction to North Savo Bio and Circular Economy Cluster: Mr. Harri Auvinen (R&D Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Reijo Lappalainen (University of Eastern Finland), Ms. Ulla Santti (RDI Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

9:24 | Keynote Speaker: Mr. Petri Nieminen (Chariman of the Board, Jätekukko Oy)

9:27 | Company presentations:

Biobros Oy: Mr. Anssi Suhonen (CTO, Biobros)

Fatec Oy: Mrs. Anna Huttunen (Marketing Manager, Fatec Oy)

Kuopas: Mr. Aku Taira (CEO, Kuopas)

Niiralan Kulma: Mr. Joni Mäenpää (Service Manager, Niiralan Kulma)

Sairex Ky: Mrs. Anna Maria Marjava-Pöllänen  (Sairex Oy)

Totec Oy: Mr. Tomi Kasurinen (CEO, Totec)

Solertis Oy: Mrs Joanna Niininen (CEO, Sollertis)

We Make It Rock Oy: Mr. Juha Kahelin (Entrepreneur, WeMakeItRock)

Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke: Mr. Kimmo Rasa (Research Manager, optimised material cycles, Luke), Ms. Johanna Kohi (Programme Director, Circular Bioeconomy Research Programme, Luke)

9:50 | Break

10:00 | Research Infrastructures of Savonia University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, and Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke: Mr. Harri Auvinen (R&D Manager, Savonia Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Reijo Lappalainen (Professor of Biomaterials Technology, Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland)

11:00 | International cooperation (HOOP biowaste club, Bioeconomy network, AWARE, JoinBioerko summerschool Bioneerit): Mr. Harri Auvinen (R&D Manager, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Ms. Ulla Santti (RDI Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences), Mr. Kasperi Vuorikari (RDI Specialist, Savonia University of Applied Sciences)

11:25 | Panel Discussion

11:45 | Break and end of the session

Let’s have lunch together!


We’ll have a virtual lunch together, where you have an opportunity to wander around in the virtual conference area and chip into discussions, see products and solutions, and network with inspiring people.

Today at Agri-Food Cluster North Savo’s area, you have a chance to network with Mr. Robert Harmoinen, a Research Scientist in Valio’s Carbon-neutral milk chain team.

Bon apetit!


** When you join a session on Vimeo, write down your name and the name of the company/organization you represent in the chat box. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to send them in the chat and we’ll follow up on them after the presentations.**

13:00 | Customer stories of Kuopio Living Lab:

Case VR4Healthcare: Sh, Ttm. Mikko Myllymäki (Co-founder, VR4Healthcare)

Case Onerva: Lauri Lehtovaara (Onerva Hoivaviestintä Oy)

13:03 | About Kuopio Living Lab: Maarit Kumpulainen (Kuopio University Hospital)

13:11 | SuperEcosytem Keynote Speaker: Harri Nieminen (VTT)

13:28 | SuperEcosytem Keynote Speaker: Jan Niemi (SHIFT)

13:45 | Closing words and ending of the event week

Nov. 8th    |    Nov. 9th    |    Nov. 10th    |    Nov. 11th    |    Nov. 12th    |     Go to Top

The organizer reserves the right to change the schedule at any time

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